Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Forever Lost

Paradise Lost is written from a Judeo-Christian worldview. Out of the six topics to look for in literature to determine the worldview I am going to be explaining the topic of God and the universe. The questions that you must ask yourself include: What is the power in control of the universe? Was the universe created? and finally, what governs the universe?

First to answer the question, "was the universe created?" you can simply look at lines nine and ten which say, "In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth Rose out of Chaos... Fast by the Oracle of God." This therefore shows that there is, in fact, a God and that God created both the heavens and the earth.

Next, to answer the other questions of "what power is in control in the universe?" and "what governs the universe?" you can look at several instances throughout Paradise Lost to understand the worldview. For example in lines 40 to 42 it says, "He [Satan] trusted to have equal'd the most high... and with ambitious aim Against the Throne and Monarchy of God." This shows that God is above all other things and by talking about the "Throne and Monarchy of God" it reveals that God is the one who has both power and control. Also, lines 70 to 71 say, "Such place Eternal Justice had prepar'd For those rebellious, here thir Prison ordain'd." This again shows that God is the one in control as he had to power to cast Satan and the other demons into hell.

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