Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Worldviews in Literature

When reading literature there are many things that you can look for that will help sigmify the worldview the author is expressing. One thing you can look for is their view of God or an ultimate power. Is there a God? Is he powerful? Does he care about us? You can also look for an explanation for how the world came into being. A lot of different literature might not address the above questions but you can also look for what the author views as the purpose of life, if there is one. Depending on the author's view of the purpose of life you can get a pretty good idea of the worldview that the author holds because for example a Christian will believe that their actions on earth matter and that this life is not the end while other worldviews may view that there is no point to this life except to have fun and party. Therefore, we should look at the author's views of God and his relationship with mankind.

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